Aubrie and Mom in the Corn Box
Abbie Grace in her Tractor Train Car
Searching for the Perfect Pumpkin...she said she didn't want one with any dirt and it had to be perfectly round... hard to come by but she found one that would work.
My little baby WALKING around the farm
Today we went to the Schaffer-Collin's Pumpkin Patch in Mayflower. We had a great time playing there and exploring all of the fun stuff that was set up this year. When we got there the place was empty which meant that we had free reign over all the stuff that was there. We took the opportunity to hit the hay tunnels first. Abbie Grace went right in this year, no hesitation whatsoever...the scary part was that her baby sister who is only 15 months old went right in after her. There was no way we were going to keep her from doing what big sis was up to. Since she is only 15 months, Mom had to go in after her and help her climb the hill to the top of the tunnel. I don't mind telling you that it was creepy as all get out in there...way to small a space for this Mommy. Anyway, we made it up nonetheless and then proceeded to play on all the equipment. They have added a lot of playground stuff since we were there a couple of years ago. The great part was that there was a whole section of stuff that was baby friendly. Aubrie got to swing and climb and slide and have a great time. Abbie was climbing on hay bales and swinging on rope swings like she was born and raised in the country. I'm secretly very proud of the fact that my suburb born baby can do that!! Anyway...we also got to see all kinds of baby animals in the petting zoo. Abbie loved the baby goats and pigs, Aubrie loved the baby pony and the ducks. Neither one of them liked the goose much...too loud. Everyone liked the really LOUD donkey (or mule...I never can remember which is which...what more can you expect from a full blown Suburb kid turned Suburb adult) who made his presence known in more than one way. After we picked out the "perfect pumpkin" and the "perfect mini-pumpkin" we walked across to the Tractor train ride. Abbie rode in a cart/barrel all by herself! We were so proud and a little dismayed as it lurched to a start and started off on the bumby road into the corn maze. Phillip and I looked at each other and both said we couldn't believe we had just sent our baby out there without either one of us. She's getting so big. Aubrie and I decided to take the time then to play in the "corn box." She loved taking the dried corn kernals and putting them in the sifter. It made her super happy. All in all, we had a wonderful time together at the Pumpkin Patch!
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