Thursday, April 24, 2008


Cycle Cutie

What cha' doing guys?
Air Hockey Challenge!!!
I won!
I love Funtastic!

Yesterday we went to play at Funtastic. It's a wonderful place in Cabot that is essentially the same thing as Chuck E Cheese only with more space and better pizza. Abbie had a great time playing the games and she and her Daddy ended up in a major air hockey tournament. It was intense!! And she won (basically...) Aubrie had fun too. She loves watching Abbie play and just being around her when she's busy doing fun things. I can tell she is just chomping at the bit to play too.

1 comment:

The Garners said...

The "Cycle Cutie" pic cracks me UP! That's great! Better tell Phillip to watch her...she'll be hopping on the back of a bike with some "Cycle Boy Cutie" before you know it! :)