Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mother's Day Out 2008-09

We have started Mother's Day Out again this year but at a different school. She is going to First Baptist Church of Sherwood MDO. So far she has loved her class. She is experimenting with "healthy" foods there (thank you Lord!!!) and she loves to be in the writing center doing workbook pages. Her teachers this year are Ms. Marabeth and Ms. Jamie. This was her little outfit for her first day...gotta love that the backpack is as big as she is...


Qtipper said...

Oh, my darling Sweet Home, you look sooooo big! Lookitchoo!!!

Jessie said...

Hi Tracie! We bugged Beckster about not updating her blog, but now I'm "dying" for news of all of you, in good ol' Arkansas...How are you! Jessie and Naomi!