Abbie standing on Old Main steps looking at Torreyson Library...theoretically there's a paper in there with my name on it...the research was iffy at best...I sort of hope it was lost...
Today we had quite the adventure! Ms. Becky invited us to a production of Sleeping Beauty at a children's theater in Conway. As it turned out, it was at the new performing arts auditorium at UCA of which I am a proud alum. The girls really enjoyed the play, Abbie said that she especially liked the sword scene and the part when the actors jumped off the stage and ran around the auditorium. After the play was over, we got to meet Sleeping Beauty herself which was really neat. We also went on a walk down memory lane as my girls and I toured campus. I can't get over how much has changed and how much has stayed the same. The new buildings were beautiful and the fountain was tons of fun. Abbie loved throwing a lucky penny in the fountain and making a wish (for a pink pony...) She was so excited to be walking around Mommy's old school. We went by McAlister Hall (Honor's College stomping grounds), Wingo (my first dorm), Old Main (History classes), Torreyson Library, Irby and the Fountain. It was so crazy hot today but we really enjoyed walking around. Friday at 4 pm during summer session turns out to be a great time to see the school because it was a ghost town!! We had the run of the place. The real fun for me was walking through the main part of campus and seeing Old Main...really cool was walking in the building and being in a visual and olfactory time warp! You can't go home again, but home can still smell and look the same which can evoke some pretty sweet memories. How neat to be able to share that with my girls!